Stock Information

Stock exchange registrationTokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Stock code6432
Number of share constituting one trading unit100 shares
Total number of shares authorized to be issued138,000,000 shares
Fiscal yearFrom March 1 to the end of February the following year
Annual general meeting of shareholdersMay
Record dateThe end of February
(Notice of other requirements will be announced in advance)
Dividend record dateAnnual dividend: End of February
Interim dividend (when applicable): End of August
Reporting methodElectronic public notice
Public notices are posted electronically. However, in the event that an electronic public notice is not practical as a result of an accident or for any other reasons, a public notice will be placed in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (The Nikkei).
Shareholder registerMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Specified account management institutionMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Shareholder register departmentMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Head office securities agent department